Monday, January 10, 2011

Mr. Hellroy

down near his crotch, he doesn't like to be touched.
he'll growl.
and show his teeth, just for a bit.
but Ellroy's normally simpatico -- a happy grinning pooch with an ever wagging tail.
eye's bright, shiny, alert.
now throw in Annabel; his wire-haired girlfriend of sorts, and we've got Mr. Hell-roy.
as if he's embarrassed. doesn't want anyone near his man parts.
'cept Annabell.
i can respect that.
who'd want a grown man itching around their crotch with the wife standing near-by?
not me.
but now -- an uneventful Monday afternoon -- with writing calling, Ellroy's back to his old self.
Mr. Hunky-Dory.
jumping on my lap for kisses.
and some huggin's.
burying his head behind my ear.

currently snugged up against me as i type.
looking up ever so often, making sure i'm still there.
he'll smile, an honest to God doggy smile.
few pats on the back, flip of the ear, a "good boy."
he's longer now. and his coat is deep deep brown like rust.
no more peach fuzz.

and that's how it goes.
because the kid's growing up.
-- matter of fact, he's looking @ me right now. eye's big and bold. letting me know it's time for dinner.
and yep, it sure is.