Tuesday, January 18, 2011

street theatre

man screaming @ woman, right now.
there's a scuffle outside.
woman is yelling...more like yelping.
man; the guy; the peasant-reincarnate, is ordering her into his truck.
but she doesn't wanna go.
and she's up the street now.
he's in hot pursuit.
there's more yelling and i've chambered my .45ACP.
no -- i'm not actually that crazy.
but when you deal with this...jackassery on a near daily basis, you prepare yourself.
and as a matter of fact, it really doesn't bother me much.
not that much.
just the initial realization -- man and woman re-enacting kitchen sink drama on street.
for free.
with really bad dialogue by way of an angry co-ed.
piss and vinegar and some jersey shore.
and woman, well, she's taking cues from Friday the 13th.
yelping loudly.
running -- no, not running -- slow jogging away.
mating ritual of sorts?

have half a mind to walk outside and intercede.
but you know what?
Ellroy needs his foodies...